Top 5 Foods That Promote Healthy Hair Growth

Everybody wants to have long and strong hair. To increase hair growth, we end up spending a good fortune on the chemical products but with no avail. Below are some good foods for healthy hair growth.

There are several foods that can give hair growth a boost. They contain the nutrients that enhance hair growth that will nourish the scalp for optimal results. The key to Eating foods for hair growth is balance, a mixture of complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals are important to ensure that the hair grows strong and thick. Too much or too little of these key nutrients and the hair will not do too well. That’s why when your diet is unhealthy; the hair appears limp and dull and breaks easily.

Best Foods for Your Hair

Best Foods for Your Hair

Foods Rich in Vitamin A

A natural antioxidant, vitamin A provides protection for your hair from environmental toxins. It also helps  produce sebum, oily secretions, in your scalp that act as a natural conditioner, encouraging healthy hair growth. The recommended dietary allowance of vitamin A is 700 to 1,300 micrograms per day for women and 900 micrograms per day for men. Sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, cantaloupe, kale and broccoli are all rich sources of vitamin A, so including them in your diet can encourage the development of healthy locks.


Spinach Spinach is a great source of beta-carotene, folate and iron. Popeye was doing something right! Spinach is a great health food, and its nutritional profile makes it an important food for anyone longing for lovely locks. Spinach is one of the best dietary sources of beta-carotene and a great source of folate. It also contains iron which helps carry oxygen to the hair. To maximize the absorption of iron from spinach, add vitamin C rich foods to your meal as it enhances the absorption of non-hemme iron (the type of iron contained in spinach). Spinach also contains vitamin E and vitamin B6


Beans are wonderfully versatile legumes that come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Yet, they are all tasty and highly nutritious. They should also be an integral part of any hair-care nutritional plan. Beans pack a protein punch to promote hair growth, but they are also a great source of hair friendly vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, and biotin. Biotin is particularly important to people with brittle hair. If your diet is currently low in beans, it is best to add them gradually as they may initially cause intestinal gas.


Eggs are known to be the most beneficial food for the overall health of our body. Eggs are known to have all the essential nutrients like protein, zinc, and iron. Another important aspect is that iron is good for hair as it keeps it strong and prevents hair fall.

Mustard Greens

Chock-full of antioxidants and nutrients, mustard greens can make an excellent addition to your diet if you are aiming at having strong, beautiful hair. Mustard greens are one of the best sources of beta-carotene. What’s more, they are also a good source of vitamin C, vitamin E, and folate. These highly nutritional greens with their distinctly peppery flavor are available throughout the year and can be found in the produce section of your local supermarket.

Super Foods to Eat for Healthy Nails

Super Foods to Eat for Healthy Nails

Strong nails look good and caring for them is easy. Brittle, cracked or discolored nails can be an indication of a lack of nutrients or even health problems, like hypothyroidism. You need to take care of your body if you want it to show in your nails. Though claims have been made that gelatin promotes nail growth, it is not true according to the Mayo Clinic. Eating a well-balanced diet filled with protein, vitamins and minerals keeps your body healthy and can help you in achieving stronger nails.


Super Foods to Eat for Healthy Nails

Super Foods to Eat for Healthy Nails

The high calcium content in milk strengthens nails and makes them grow faster. Try to drink at least one glass of milk daily. It has been found that lack of calcium in the body can cause the nails to be brittle and dry. To allow the body to fully absorb the calcium, have your milk with foods rich in vitamin D such as eggs, mushrooms and others.

Foods with B Vitamins

A lack of B vitamins, specifically biotin and vitamin B-12, can make your nails dry and brittle. Consume carrots, tomatoes, leafy green lettuce, liver, peanut butter, nuts, peas, oatmeal and beans as sources of biotin. Vitamin B12 can be found in meat, eggs and dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

To get shinier hair, introduce more omega-3s into your diet, which “help support scalp health and may give your locks extra luster and shine,” according to DiBona. The three active ingredients—alpha-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid—are all essential fatty acids and “are important components of the stratum corneum, which is the outermost layer of the epidermis that contains keratin and has water-holding capabilities.


Protein intake is important for many reasons, notably when it comes to hair and nails. Both “are made of structural proteins known as keratin, so adequate dietary protein is important for providing the building blocks for growing strong hair and nails,” explains DiBona. Lean meats are the easiest way to pack protein into your diet—just make sure to steer clear of any that are overly fatty.


Consuming carrots regularly can improve the appearance of your nails, as well as skin and hair. The high vitamin A content in carrots prevents nails from becoming dull and dry.


If you are a vegetarian, or just want to avoid too much red meat, soybeans and other legumes are a good source of protein for a well-balanced diet. Soybeans also contain biotin. In addition to soybeans, lentils are a good choice for vitamin B6 and sulphur amino acids.