Best Things To Do Before Christmas

Pre-Christmas preparation can be really hectic. There’s so much to organise at home for Christmas and the time seems to be ticking away too quickly. So how will you manage to de-clutter the house and prepare for Christmas in such a short time span? Not to worry. We bring you things to do before Christmas that will help you plan the festivity with ease.

These simple and quick tips will teach you to stop the clutter, clean and organise your home before the guests start visiting your house for Christmas. Apart from this, you will also understand how to gear up for any another big day at your house. Your only focus now should be to get your house ready for the festive season.

Best Things To Do Before Christmas

Best Things To Do Before Christmas

Decorate the House

This is one of the important things to do before Christmas. Decorate your house for Christmas once you have de-cluttered it. Plan which rooms you want to decorate for Christmas and keep the items ready. The responsibility to decorate certain sections of the house can be divided among the family members. This way you can finish up the decorations on time.

Menu Planning

Start finalising the menu for Christmas. In case you are planning some special dishes for the festive day, make sure you know what food item is required and what you will be needing to prepare it. Check your kitchen pantry for the available items and then make a shopping list for the food items. This is one of the important things to do before Christmas.


Christmas Party Themes

If you’ve planned to host the Christmas party at your home this year, then you need to do something different. Sure the traditional green and red color themed party idea is alright, but let’s face it, it is a little predictable (don’t look shocked).

Decorate the Christmas Tree

Deck up your Christmas tree along with your family members and let the festive mood set in. It will be one of the fun-filled and stress-busting activity for you and your family.

Christmas Party Games

Christmastime is a time of celebration and cheer. Moreover, to share the joy of Christ’s birth in this world, to save us sinners, we invite people over. There’s nothing like spending Christmas with friends and family. Some people host quiet dinners, while others throw parties. Parties require fun activities to keep the energy going. Planning some party games would be a good idea to raise the energy levels of the guests.

Organizing an office Christmas party

How to Organize A Christmas Party for Your Office

Being shouldered with the responsibility of organising your office Christmas party can often be a thankless task and you’re under huge pressure to ensure everyone enjoys their one big office day/night from the year. How you go about organising the food, refreshments and entertainment for any Christmas party will depend on the tastes of those coming and the organisational culture from the office, but there are some basic rules that you need to follow to make the party memorable for the right reasons and to cure it being remembered for the wrong reasons.

However,with a few key skills you can use this situation to your benefit. You have been given a golden opportunity to show your planning abilities, to focus on how well you can organize an event and to demonstrate your communication skills.

Organizing an office Christmas party

Organizing an office Christmas party

Set the Date

At your Christmas party you’ll want as many employees to appear as possible. Again, start early and spread the word. Send out a mass email with a few suggested dates and select the date that fits with the majority. You’ll should also ensure it’s a date that fits using the boss.

Work out the budget

It’s very important that when you start your planning the Christmas party, that you know exactly what the budget it. Make sure you speak to your boss to see how much continues to be set aside. It’s also worth finding out if the party will be taken care of in full by the business, or maybe employees are expected to put something for the party. If so it’s a good idea to tell your friends as soon as possible. Once you have your budget you’ll be able to work out a suitable venue, theme and menu for that evening. By finding this out first of all, there’s no worry that you will have everything booked simply to realise there isn’t the money to pay for it!

Leave plenty of time to prepare

It’s never too early to start thinking about planning the Office Christmas party – particularly if it’s your job to organise it! Even now in September, plenty of venues take bookings for Christmas proving that most people are already thinking ahead towards the big festive social occasion. By providing yourself plenty of time to research ideas, ask the venues questions regarding the parties, you lessen the stress you would feel should you be leaving it to the last second. You will be able to have more choice within the type of venue, food and theme you would like for your Christmas party as it is not as likely that places will be fully booked now, than in December!


Once you’ve settled the date and organised the place you can begin to send out invitations. If you want to cut costs you can get away with delivering an email invitation to all employees if however family or plus ones are invited along then you’ll have to send out a hard copy. Ensure that your invitation includes an RSVP deadline and dietary requirement inquiries to avoid any hiccups. It’s additionally a good idea to send out an indication a day or so before the party.

The Menu

This part is comparatively easy if your venue is really a restaurant, if not hire a caterer to organize the menu and always make sure you know everyone’s dietary needs, ensuring all of us have something to eat. If you’re using a more formal sit down meal as opposed to a buffet or cocktail style event, it’s smart to have some kind of seating arrangement. Mix things up and get people to mingle with other people as well as making them feel comfortable with people in their own team.


Some company Christmas parties go entirely without alcohol nowadays, ensuring a happy and safe environment, if however you’re planning on serving alcohol you’ll have to plan in advance what you’ll be serving and just how you’ll be paying. Your budget will determine if you can open a free bar or cash only bar. It’s a good idea and a nice touch to provide taxi vouchers to those drinking to make sure everyone stays safe.

Giving gifts

It’s always a good idea to check with other people what kind of gift exchange they’d like and just what they expect from the Holiday party. The annual Christmas party isn’t time to give out anything too costly or lavish. Opt instead to have an organised Kris Kringle or even a group charity donation where everyone pitches in. Should you choose decide on a Kris Kringle type gift exchange, choose a budget and make sure everyone knows what it’s.